Monday, August 24, 2015

Our Last Day In Alaska

Steve here:
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Our goal for today was Rancheria, YT.
We left Haines at 9:06 and reached our destination at 7:06 - losing an hour along the way.  450 miles of nearly perfect roads.  It seems that there are always a few gullys or whoopsies caused by the permafrost and always some much needed construction, but today was a good day!
Oh, I forgot to mention.  We should all Google "how do Eagles walk?"  At the Eagle Encounter yesterday they had two injured Eagles, and when the young lady fed them they walked over to the food like a sailor with sea legs.  No way did I have any idea how they would walk!
Along the way we saw two more Eagles, a few of what they call ground squirrels but looked like little gophers to me and one, lonely rabbit.
For a little excitement, the campground in Rancheria was out of diesel, but we had our two back-up five gallon containers, so we were all set.
A bit of rain while we drove, but mostly a very nice day for a ride!

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